
Small obnoxious still a redhead but a lot less annoying I hope?

Friday, December 30, 2005

2005 and all that...

So 2005 is almost officially over (I have to write this today as I'm not online at home yet, but hopefully it will not make that much of a difference...) and what can I say in retrospective of the passed annum? Well, I have a back pain, my hair has grown, I still miss my woolie dreads but sort of enjoy the versatility of hair that is just.. hair. And I have not gathered any new skills so far, but I did manage to join the gym! Also, I gave up smoking and went to the best festival so far, Glade. And, not to forget, I moved in with my gorgeous man to our own little rent-a-wholeinthewall, or maybe I should say whole in the ground, as it is a basement flat? ;-)
I had both happiness and sadness in my personal life, one friend is finally well but another friend had a bad encounter with someone we both trusted. But I would like to end this year on a positive note, so please, everyone, go to Lush, buy one of their shower gels (Flying Fox) or bath bombs (I would recommend something, but we don't have a bath tub...) and just light a few candles, pour some ice cold organic cider (alcohol free, you don't want to be drunk in the shower, or even tipsy) and eat vanilla pralines and just enjoy......

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Not too bad for a 26 year-old?